LASSIE IV was developed in 2016 at the Bangalore Robotics center for the Robosub 2016.
- The Dome hull incorporates a novel inflated Butyl tube gasket.
- The emphasis was multiple vehicles that can facilitate autonomy and enhance mission capabilities.
- The light weight of the designs need low power budget.
- The mission time of useful deployment is comparatively longer.
- Limited budget and time constraints have limited the number of innovative ideas to a lower number than desired.
- A major part of the Design was the Mechanical and structural Variations.
- The innovative Butyl Rubber cycle tube performs quite well.
- The modified multicopter BLDC motors are successful and have not failed till now.
Mainly evaluated for:
- Small dimension
- Redundant Analysis and Control system
- Light weight
- The design’s central feature of both the AUV is the dome shaped hull, a new design concept compared to the more conventional underwater AUV designs.
- The Hull also acts as the frame of the AUV which reduces added complexity of building the frame around the Hull.
- The design is made to reduce the dimensions to a minimum so that the overall weight is reduced and contributes vastly to the agility of the AUV.
- The design has been made so that the AUVs are inherently stable.
- The Master and the Slave are provided with pixhawk/ Aeroquad using arduino mega.
- The sensor use to gauge depth is the MPX 4250DP (Motorola Pressure Sensor) where the readings have been calibrated to provide the depth readings.
- The compass provided for the IMUs should be sufficient to provide the compass bearing of the vehicles.
- The vehicles are provided with cameras, one at the front and one at bottom. Both the cameras contribute to image processing.
- A 3rd Camera was added this year to detect color alone and to assist the Manipulator mechanisms.
- The vehicles use a four motor configuration for movement.
The Team is thankful to AUVSI Foundation and ONR for providing this opportunity to be a part of the ROBOSUB competition 2016.
- Team Mentor
- Team Captain